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Let's Talk A-Pod It: Should You Consider a Podcast?

Patricia Tran

What is a podcast?

A podcast is a series of audio-recorded conversations that concentrate on niche-specific topics. These discussions may be informative and analytical, highly opinionated or controversial, fun, lifestyle-based, or revolve around gossip/scandal. Your type of podcast will depend on your goals.

Why you may consider a podcast.

One of the main goals of a podcast is to attract target audiences that may lack the time, interest, or capacity to read content on your website. For instance, many people spend most of their waking time working or fulfilling familial obligations, so they may opt for a podcast during their work commutes. Others are traumatized by their makeshift fort of college papers and research material (like some of us here at Communications LAB). Some individuals may also rely on audio transcripts to absorb content because of physical hindrances. Inversely, transcribing your podcast will benefit those with hearing impairments and may improve your site’s SEO. While written content is still the most effective way to drive traffic to your site, podcasts have been increasing in popularity as they offer an option for consumers to passively digest content and increase the overall time spent on a business’ website.


Interview Q & A with Jorgie

Jorgie Sandoval is CommLAB’s very own Public Affairs Account Manager with over six years of experience under his belt in Project Management. His podcast, “Brains are Sexy Radio,” is nationally recognized and committed to Mental Health Awareness for college students. Jorgie is also a huge advocate for DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) initiatives, which he has successfully cultivated in practice with his work.

1. Q: Thank you for taking the time to enlighten us about your journey, Jorgie! First of all, are you a Plotter or a Pantser? (i.e., are you meticulous with your script, or do you have fun with it and free-form?)

A: I’m a little of both, but more so of a Pantser. You’ll always catch me with an outline to use as a sort of guide, but I don’t have a script because I want the discussions to be spoken from the heart and to be as natural as possible. If we dive into some deep and long-winding conversations, which—we tend to do often, I want to be able to refer back to the outline and make sure I don’t miss any important points or questions.

2. Q: What inspired you to start a podcast about Mental Health Awareness? What were your goals?

A: Looking back, I’ve had some unhealthy relationships with friends, family, partners, etc. There were habits both parties exuded that eventually became toxic and led me down into a dissociative fugue state. Therapy really helped me out of it and as a psychology major, I took it upon myself to create that same safe place for others. My goal was to create a platform where people can speak about their experiences without bias or stigma and, in turn, help listeners understand their own feelings. We all have something to say, but we just don’t know how to say it sometimes.

3. Q: What was the most interesting thing you’ve learned while creating your podcast? This can be about yourself, a staggering statistic, etc.

A: I was most intrigued by my guests—everyone couldn’t wait to talk about it, whatever it was. It’s a therapeutic experience for everyone involved as we often see our reflection in others. I enter the recording space as a bystander. I would never fully understand the breadth of what someone has gone through (no one can), but providing a listening ear and relaying what I’ve found through extensive research and schooling is an indirect way of understanding myself and the world around us.

4. Q: What was your biggest hurdle? What advice would you give to our readers?

A: My biggest hurdle was Impostor Syndrome—feelings of inadequacy despite qualifications. For example: if you receive your degree or win an award, someone is recognizing you for your hard work and talent. Sometimes, that accomplished person will minimize their achievements by attributing it to luck or whatever. It’s not luck. My advice for content creators is to trust yourself because you know what you know and your knowledge and feelings are legitimate. You are valid. Confide in your most trusted friends instead of the voice in your head because they’ll reinforce the truth with you. I would not have made it this far without my co-hosts. Also, have fun with your content! Never start a creative project with the end goal being money because too many will be sorely disappointed.

5. Q: What was the most rewarding thing that came from hosting your own podcast?

A: My job at Communications LAB. Haha, I’m kidding (sort of). The most rewarding thing is definitely the cathartic experience I’ve had the honor of honing and sharing with everyone on the show. It takes so much courage to talk about Mental Health and I’m in awe with my guests every time they come on. These conversations are so eye-opening and I appreciate the opportunity to hear their stories. Everyone that joins my show eventually becomes my friend, which is another unexpected bonus on its own.


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